How to apply animation on loading a page in Next.js app router with Framer Motion.
This blog post explains how to add page loading animations to a Next.js app router using the Framer Motion library. The tutorial provides step-by-step instructions for setting up page transitions and applying animations to enhance the user experience. By following these steps, developers can easily integrate visually appealing loading animations, resulting in a more engaging and dynamic app.
How to Implement Dark Mode or Light Mode Using Tailwind CSS
In this blog post, we discovered how to detect the system's preferred mode (dark mode or light mode) using Tailwind CSS. Tailwind CSS, a utility-first CSS framework, streamlines the creation of responsive and customizable user interfaces. By combining CSS media queries and JavaScript, we efficiently determined the system mode by leveraging the prefers-color-scheme media query.
Tricky JavaScript Coding Questions and Solutions.
This blog post delves into tricky JavaScript coding questions, covering type coercion, operator behavior, exception handling, precision limits, and strict equality comparisons. The solutions highlight key insights into how JavaScript handles these situations. By understanding these nuances, developers can write more reliable code and conduct thorough testing..